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The Last Wizard: Case Files Page 2

  Passing the doorway into the giant room, the ceiling vaulted so high I could barely see the decals on the roof. The walls were indented with decorated statues of armors worn by previous generals that led the church. A large circular table swung the entirety of the room, the center held a giant cross to remind everyone in their meetings who controls them. Two guards were posted by the entrance, refusing me access deeper in the room. Their armor was sleek and thin, it wrapped around the guards body proportionally, almost as if they were custom made. The most intriguing part is the blue-ish coat on the armor, it could only mean it was glazed with something to deflect magically propelled spells.

  "You know what astounds me every time Balan?" A tall man said walking towards me outfitted in a golden armor, it was a bit bulkier than the other guards. His armor was imprinted with the Church's coat of arms as well as a cloth badge hanging from his shoulders decorated with his rank. "What would that be Galahan?" I inquired, knowing the man would be annoyed by anything I said to him.

  "How you always manage to get past my security that I have set up at every single entrance." He says.

  "Well... It's quite simple you see, your guards” I say gesturing to the two standing behind me “they just don't seem to have the aptitude for security."

  He stood, quiet, no time for shit I suppose. He must be a busy man, leading the crusades against my people for a decade and all. "Lighten up Galahan, I only jest. I'm here to ask you about the missing persons cases popping up around the city. I got a case this morning of a missing child." I explain to him.

  "You still get work? People must really be desperate." He said bursting out in a thunderous laughter. "Come, let’s go into my quarters."He said pushing me out of the room and down a passage with his massive hands. We stopped at a locked door which led into his personal chambers. The room was surprisingly bare, it had a bed near the back and a fairly large desk in the center of the room.

  He clearly works too much.

  "You sleep here now? What, trouble with the wife?" I said as I circle around the room.

  "Only when she's back in India visiting her parents, no use in going home to an empty bed when I have one right here." Galahan said taking a seat at the table.

  He moved some papers around clearing the space in front of him before he pulled open a drawer, and took out a mug with two silver goblets lined with rubies. Pouring a drink in each cup, he offered me a glass, which I accepted humbly of course.

  "So you're looking into the missing persons case too then?" I ask him, taking a sip of the wine. It was a mix of a fruity sweetness coupled with the usual bitter aftertaste. It was quite exceptional, perks of being a commander I suppose.

  "Yes, I have personally taken it upon myself to look into it." Galahan said grabbing the goblet with his hand. He held it with power, not with the delicacy it yearned for.

  "Why? Does your job not present you with enough mysteries to keep your time?" I ask curiously, knowing someone of his stature would not be dealing with such peasant matters.

  "It was a request straight from a high official from the church. One of his nieces was taken." Galahan told me drinking his wine.

  "I guess that makes sense, only when the fancy pants get targeted then shit actually gets done." I say without a hint of sarcasm.

  "Life's not fair Balan." He said, before continuing, he rested the goblet back onto the table and gave me his full attention, "what I have so far is that they are mainly abducting children. I don't have any reports of anyone older than twelve going missing. But I can't rule it out." It was something that started to make me more nervous with each passing minute.

  "Any ideas as to why?" I ask, hoping for a reasonable explanation, partially so I can return to my bed and sleep off this day.

  "Probably a sex trade operation. I've sent agents to brothels to check for anything out of the ordinary, no success though." Galahan said, "What did you find?"

  "Nothing concrete, a simpleton's daughter went missing yesterday. No signs of foul play, no signs of forced entry or escape." I told him playing with the ruby on the goblet. I have to admit, I was actually trying to pick it off.

  "Maybe she just ran off?" Galahan said leaning back in his chair, at ease.

  "Well, based on the condition of the house, I can fucking see that. It was a shit hole that’s for sure, but I doubt it." I said before we heard a light knocking on the door.

  Galahan raised his head, sat up in his chair and pushed his goblet aside before telling them to come in. A thin man in dark robes entered the room along with the two guards from the command room. His posture was lazy, he didn't seem like a soldier of discipline. His face was wrinkled and poorly kept, an unshaven face with messy oily dark hair that crawled just over his eyes. He had to constantly part his hair to keep eye contact.

  "Sire, we have business with you. Could you join us please?" He said to Galahan, but his gaze was focused on me. The guards remained at the door, their hands rested on the hilts of their swords. Their eyes were glazed with a red-ish glow that trailed with the swaying of their bodies, something I've seen before a long time ago. They stared forward, coldly into the abyss. I reached my cane braced on the table and rested it on my lap, fully gripped.

  "No, I am in a meeting. I’ll be with you shortly." Galahan said gesturing him to leave with a wave.

  The man inched closer to him. "Sire, but I must insist."

  Galahan took notice of his eagerness, "Who are you? What's your name and rank?" Galahan asked getting up.

  The man withdrew slightly, reaching into his robes. He looked back at the guards with eyes of malice. The mood in the room suddenly shifted. Galahan and I made eye contact noticing the change, we knew by the looks of it, something was definitely wrong. As he pulled a vial out from his cloak, he yelled "Get him." He said tossing the vial onto the table. Using my cane, I pushed Galahan back, away from the red-ish smoke that burnt through the desk like acid. Galahan quickly drew his sword, likewise, I spun around removing the sheath off my cane revealing a forged obsidian sword. Facing the guards, one lunged forward at me with his sword, luckily I had enough time to deflect it with my small yet nimble sword. There was no way I could penetrate his armor with this sword though. I need to escape, and without magic since the head hunter had his eyes on me.

  "Get Galahan, don't worry about the old man." The sleaze said withdrawing to the door.

  "Who the fuck, are you calling old?" I blurted without care of the situation.

  The two guards froze in their tracks, shifted their bodies to Galahan like robots accepting a command from their overseer and marched forward to him. Galahan took on the first guard, deflecting two strikes before using his shoulder to knock back the guard shoving him into the wall, Galahan jumped forward as he sunk a dagger into the guard's neck between a thin opening. Leaving the dagger there, he turned to the other guard who approached from his other side.

  The cowardly man left the doorway and ran into the hallway, I followed quickly behind. "Wait you wheat-ish swine. We aren't done here." I yelled after him.

  "You can't touch me old man." He said turning around and facing me. He walked backwards away from me, grinning. I approached him carefully, as he seemed like the type that had something nasty hidden up his sleeve.

  "Listen here you necrophilia looking mother fucker." I said walking to him with my sword pointed to his chest, "I could end you with ease." There comes a time in ones life where they should be able to hold back no matter what someone said or did. Not for the other person's good, but for your own sanctity. This was not the time.

  "Yeah? Try... Wait till you see what we have in store for your precious little children." He told me stepping back. Raising his arms in the air, his eyes turned a ghastly grey as it leaked with mist. Consuming his body within seconds, he turned into a small cloud of smoke hovering on the floor. It moved, extremely fast, towards me. Before reaching me it turned into one of the fireplaces along the wall and funneled up through the chimney.

  Galahan ste
pped out the door before he could see a thing. His armor clanked loudly, his left leg stepped with extra weight. "Where did he go?" Galahan asked.

  "He ran away." I said, lost for words. Staring blankly at the chimney, Galahan traced my look but said nothing.


  The last time I had seen someone who could procure authentic magic, a magic that wasn't tailored for war but for worship, was when they were face down on a sterile beach as the water washed them away from this world. They were merely people like me and you, but with a different view on life. It was because of this enigmatic view, others feared what their reality actually meant. So, they did the only thing that they knew, kill. The genocide against my people lasted for decades, even after the dust had settled from the ongoing crusades, you would see the occasional fanatic hell bent on revenge using magic to make a statement through destruction, giving them further reason to exterminate us. That was enough to label us, simply because some acted out harshly on what they and their families have been put through. We were judged, juried and sentenced for execution... without trial.

  Galahan continued to stare at me blankly as I noticed my blade pointing to his chest with an ever tightening grip.

  I need to get back. I can't stay here.

  "Uhh, yeah Galahan. That would be enough excitement for me today. I’m going to go." I tell him, my voice cracked. My voice never fucking cracks.

  "You alright?" Galahan asked as I fumbled to put the sheath back on my cane hiding the blade.

  "Yeah.. of course I'm good." I say walking away from him, why the fuck wouldn’t I be just great. I can't face him right now, I need to get my shit together.

  A fucking wizard.

  Chapter Four

  Darting down the short stocky stairs extending the breadth of the barracks, I could barely keep my balance or my breathe. This is why I love my trusty cane, moreso than one would think, it ensures I don't topple over like a bumbling idiot. The roadways were lit up by old electric lamps. You could hear the loud buzzing it expelled, and also smell the burn bugs it did as well. Looking down, I saw Jinn stammering up the stairs with a pile of paper in his hand. His face looked tired, dark bags began to grow under his eye like apples springing from a tree.

  "Balan." He yelled picking up a piece of paper that slipped from his hold.

  Grabbing him by the elbow, I pulled him with me, from the bottom of the stairs. "Shut up you idiot. Why are you here?" I say continuing to drag him through the street, then diving into a back alley. I tossed him against the wet, stone plaided wall before he could say a word, covering his mouth, I checked to see if we were followed. Once cleared, I removed my hand from over his mouth slowly, he was finally calm and normal.

  "I found the link." Jinn said wiping his mouth.

  "Link?" I asked, looking around constantly.

  You know the feeling you get when you are being watched? I could feel it, eyes on me, but the alley was deserted and dirty. Trash lined the walls as old parchments scattered the damp ground. Noon had passed, so the thin alley was covered in shadows of the neighboring buildings, I looked up and saw nothing but the blue sky.

  “Get on with it Jinn I don’t have all fucking day.” I was antsy and needed to get away from this alley and from this feeling.

  "The missing persons case? The children... They are all first born or an only child." He told me, straightening his robes.

  "First born?" I asked confused, giving him my full attention. Whenever first borns are mentioned you know something fucked up is happening or about to happen. Before he could continue, I remembered. "Wait wait wait, I saw one Jinn." I said shushing him and looking right at him. The day was heating up, I could feel the wind drying up my eyes.

  "Saw what?" He asked giving me a retarded look. At this point Jinn started to show his frustration in me.

  "I fucking saw one in front of me." I said pulling him down the alley way, turning down another alley just behind a small poor home. It smelt like sewage, but I didn't care, Jinn looked like he did mind. He stopped short, grabbed me by the collar and shoved me against the wall.

  "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" He said pulling his arm free from my grasp, "what did you see?”

  I took a look around again to make sure we were alone, I couldn’t help myself "Another wizard." I say looking at him. I could feel his grip tighten on my hands.

  “But… but you said, wait this doesn’t make any sense.. You fucking said you were the last." Jinn whispered while squinting and looking around us, "are you sure?"

  "Yes! He turned into smoke right in front of me." I said standing up straight and pulling his grip from my hand.

  Pulling out the alley, we emerged into a crowded area, the shouts of people laundering around the market place. There were the ones that stood in the middle of the road, staring at vendors, blocking the path like the usual assholes. Then the group trying to hustle for the best deals as if saving a dollar will save their life; there was even a couple strolling along tasting the various exotic fruits that made the market place exhume a sweet aroma. I was able to get a single whiff before we submerged into another darkened alley way.

  "Smoke? His entire body?" Jinn said turning back towards me. The veins on his head began to pulsate.

  "No, just his dick. Come the fuck on." I said noticing his change, his face faded darker and darker.

  "That's pretty advanced magic, no?" Jinn asked beginning to show his fatigue.

  "Yes, he also told me something." I said, Jinn simply waited for me to tell him, "'Wait till you see what we have in store for those kids.' Fucker said we."

  "Another wizard? So that's two now, perfect." Jinn said closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead.

  "If so, he would be more powerful too." I said, pushing Jinn against the wall and zeroed in on him with everything and continued: "Jinn... I have to tell you, there is a reason why they hunt wizards." I said releasing him, before continuing: "We are fucking dangerous if we choose to be. We need to be careful now, I don't know what they will do. For now, you go back to the lab and stay there..."

  He snapped, I saw it coming a mile away, its never really something you prepare for. Even though I've seen it happen many times, Jinn's entire body twitched, and then his eyes lasered onto me. His eyes and the veins on his forehead turned black, his body began to smoke, he had a

  calmer yet more sinister demeanor.

  "Fuck you, let me hunt him. I am a tool underutilized." He said, his voice was deep and I could hear Jinn in it, almost like two people speaking at once.

  "Jinn, come on.. Beat this. I don't have time for your shit, I need you right now." I pleaded holding him down.

  "My name is Al Shayir. Speak to me." He said, gripping my hands, his touch began to heat my skin.

  "I don't need you right now. I need Jinn, I promise I will need you later." I said to him.

  Jinn sighed loudly as he struggled to get free. "I could hurt you…"

  "May I remind you, Jinn can banish you." I warned him, "and I'm sure you wouldn't want to fight an old man."

  This time it snarled so loudly that the windows above us trembled. A black cat sat on the windowsill one story above us, it was just calmly watching us. That was odd.

  "Come on now." I said fighting his grip with my hands.

  "Fine! I will be back Balan, the wizard." He said, I could feel his body release the tension.

  "Yes, once we find him." I said feeling relieved.

  Jinn's eyes and head cleared as his complexion returned to him. Falling slightly, I grabbed him and supported his weight as he regained himself.

  "Shit..." Jinn said he said holding his brow. "Sorry, I should've stopped him but..."

  "Yeah, you need rest. I told you we should have just banished it." I told him, he pulled away from me.

  "No, I have it under control." Jinn said forcing himself to stand on his own.

  "I need you to try and find out what they could do with first born children right away.”

  "What abo
ut you? Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to go see what I can find out from her." I said refusing to go on.

  "Who? Her? Was that even English?" Jinn said, he took a moment before he realized, "Oh shit no way... Can I come?" He said with a wide smirk.

  "Oh fuck off you twat. Get back to the lab. Stay safe." I told him.

  "Sure thing boss. Remember, use protection we don't want a mini you walking around." He said laughing, before I could respond he apported out of my hands throwing be back against the other side of the alley way.

  "Damn guy." I said, taking a last look, the cat still sat on the windowsill watching. Apporting myself, we left the alley way in a mess from the gust, but it was necessary in this case and who cares.

  Chapter Five

  Twisting through the weaves of time and space, my apparition took me to a small camp on the outskirts of the city. This is a place of song, dance and of magic. It is a gypsy camp, and by the looks of it... I couldn't have picked a worse night to come.

  Deep in the enchanted forest, the trees climb so high and thick that it blocked out the sun completely. Shrouded in darkness, the camp was scattered with fire burning torches pinned to wagons while candles floated in the air throughout the camp. The lighting was very much needed, albeit fucking ominous. The wagons were set up in a circle around the camp, like the ring drawn on the floor by an ancient spell caster. They were old fashioned and hand carved with very elaborate designs, one of them had a dragon's head carved into the wooden frame.

  "Come brother Balan, join us. We are about to begin." A woman said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the crowd. Everyone gathered around an altar overlooking a small river bend, atop a pyramid looking structure. A small pathway ran from the top and ended over the river. The head of the altar was comprised of an eagle carved from a white stone, with only its eyes painted. The priestess, fashioned in white and gold gown stood at the top, while with another younger woman in white sat before her on her knees waiting patiently.